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the beautifully broken blog.

Words the Lord has placed on my heart to write. I write to heal, and to extend my healing outwards. For we are all beautifully broken, and connected through vulnerability.

Created to create. I was born with a spark of creativity deep within me. As a child, I not only played with toys- I played with words. 


From writing pretend newspaper articles to commercial jingles, every time there was a pen in my hand, I wrote. In second grade, when my class did a poetry unit, I recited my own. In fourth grade, instead of asking for toys for my birthday, I registered in creative writing classes. I started competing in public speaking and debate contests in junior high. I had a clear vision for my future: to utilize my words to change people, processes, and the world.


However, as I grew older, my spark was extinguished. I no longer was a naive child who believed my words could change the world. Instead, it felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. I continued to write as a way to cope with my pain. I hoped that with each word I wrote, some of the weight would lift, and there would be a shift.


When I attended Oklahoma Girls State and heard that the final candidates spoke to the attendees, once again, I had a longing to impact others with my words. Not with the words that won speech contests, or with the words that impressed judges. Instead, with the words of depth and vulnerability, written at my lowest. I shared my story in hopes to show others they are not alone. My pain was transformed into purpose, and my pitiful words shifted to powerful ones.


Afterwards, girl after girl shared their stories with me. After hearing these testimonies, I learned the power of vulnerability. So, I started the Beautifully Broken Blog. For He has made everything beautiful in its' time (Ecclesiastes 3:11) and transforms broken stories into beautiful testimonies. 




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