Complexity of Creation.
What biology has taught me about the Lord:
This semester, biology has shown me my studies are not separate from my Spiritual life. Rather, they are a part of it. For each biological fact I learned, every concept I mastered was a small window in which I saw a glimpse of the complexity of creation, and learned more about the Creator.
Romans 1:20 says, “For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.” The Lord fearfully and wonderfully created us with a specific design, expressing His intelligence and Sovereignty through our composition.
There is beauty in our being, for we are composed of 30 trillion microscopic cells, each simultaneously performing thousands of different processes with remarkable efficiency and precision, allowing us to function. Small anatomical changes in our cells would be disastrous for us, yet life is sustained.
When we find ourselves worrying about that which we cannot control, may we remember the One who controls that which we cannot see. Who controls every microscopic function within us. For He is before all things, and in Him, all things hold together (Colossians 1:17).