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For the Burnt Out Student.

For the student nearing the end of the semester:

As we near the end of the semester, like many other students, I am burnt out. This semester, as I navigated my way through the smoky haze of assignments I could not clearly comprehend, my spark of motivation extinguished. 

As you endure the heat of finals, you may feel ready to give up, unable to summon the strength to keep studying. You are not alone. In the Bible, when Moses did not believe he could deliver the Isrealites from Egypt, he ran away to the wilderness. Like Moses, you may want to give up, running away from your responsibilities.

Yet, in the wilderness, the Lord met him in the form of a burning bush, reigniting his confidence with the words, “I will be with you” (Exodus 3:12). Moses remembered to trust in the Lord’s ability over his own, successfully fulfilling his calling.

The Lord may not literally appear to us in the form of a burning bush. Yet, when we feel burnt out, He reignites our spark of motivation when we rely on His strength over our ability. For He is with us, even at the late nights spent at the library. The Lord will lead us through the work He has called us to do when we have the obedience to finish strong. 

As we complete final after final, may we make it through the smoke of our studies by working with our whole heart on fire for the Lord (Colossians 3:23).



"He has made everything beautiful in its time."

Ecclesiastes 3:11

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