Flashcard after flashcard. Term after term. Chapter after chapter. Hour after hour. Finally, it was time for my midterm. After weeks of preparation, I was confident. Until, I started answering question after question. My confidence faded as I pressed Submit and viewed my score. Self doubt echoed in my mind like clanging bells.
Afterwards, I attended Greek Wide, a college ministry. The message was about our identity being received rather than achieved. The Lord reminded me that I am defined by more than a letter grade or a diploma. My worth comes from Him alone.
In his book, Goliath Must Fall, Louie Giglio shares a takeaway from Matthew chapter 3. As Jesus was baptized and rose out of the water, a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, with whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.” Giglio states, “Jesus was at the beginning of His public ministry, yet his Father said he already loved Him. Jesus hadn’t given a message, healed anyone, walked on water, or died on the cross. Yet, His Father was already pleased with Him.”
As you complete midterm after midterm, may you be reminded of your true identity. The Lord does not say, “Well done, good and faithful CEO, leader, entrepreneur, scholar, or athlete.” He says, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” When we strive to measure up to the world’s standards, the weight of the world will inevitably crush us. Work hard and study hard, but above all else, serve the Lord who defines you. Rest with the assurance we are unconditionally loved by our Father, without earning or deserving it.