In Sickness and Health
I ran a million miles a minute, until I broke down physically and mentally. My stress compounded, along with my allergy symptoms. I tested positive for the flu. Now, after rest and medication, I am not only healthier physically, but healthier mentally. For in my rush, I had forgotten the importance of rest.
Sickness serves as a reminder to practice gratitude for the things we take for granted. In my busyness, I had forgotten to breathe, and with my breath, to give thanks. For my health, for the ability to go to class, for the gift of not laying in a hospital bed.
I can only imagine the immense gratitude the people Jesus healed in the Bible felt. The woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. The crippled man. The ten lepers. The blind men. When Jesus healed the blind, “they went and spread news about him all over the region” (Matthew 9:30).
May we give thanks in sickness and in health. Like the people in the Bible, let us spread the news of our Healer. For “He himself bore His body on the tree, so we may die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed” (1 Peter 2:24). If you are facing physical or mental illness, do not lose faith. For through His healing power, your brokenness may serve as a beautiful testimony of His redemptive power.
Jesus, you are like no other.
You lay hands on the sick and they recover.
You heal those who touch your robe thread;
You have the power to raise the dead!
You turn water into wine,
Your power is divine.
You perform great miracles and deeds
For those with faith as small as a mustard seed.
(based on Matthew 9, Matthew 17:20, John 2)
